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Elk Meadow Open Space Park in Evergreen, Colorado


Home: Welcome

Photo by John Gaudreau

Become member

How to Become a Member
Two ways to become a member ...


As a business, become a 1% Donor by adding 1% to every restaurant check, cash register receipt, or invoice you issue.  Send the Evergreen Legacy Fund a check monthly. This way you simply pass the contributions directly through and incur no tax liability. (​We will reimburse you for out-of-pocket costs related to adding it to your point-of-sale system.)

Print 1% Membership Agreement

Mail or email completed form to address below.


As a business, become a Contributing Member by making a regular donation – monthly or annually—amounting to $100 or more a year.

Click "Donate" button to make your donation

Mailing Address

Mail signed agreement to:

Evergreen Legacy Fund

PO Box 252

Evergreen, CO 80437


Scan and email signed agreement to: 


Consider demonstrating your love of Evergreen when you name beneficiaries in your will or on life insurance policies, IRAs, and bank accounts.  The Evergreen Legacy Fund encourages legacy projects funded by individuals that will reflect their values and love of the community we call home.

 Please use the Contact Form at the bottom of this page if you have any questions. 

Tax Exempt

The Evergreen Legacy Fund is a 501(c)(3) organization, officially registered as:

  • ELF Foundation A Colorado Nonprofit Corporation

  • Tax Exempt Number: 84-4777007

*Names in bold are our 1% pass-through members


Carolyn Baldwin

Amy Bergevin

Tupper and Karla Briggs

Charles and Bette Carcano

Anne Chew

Liz Cohen—donated in honor of

     the tireless ELF board

Alexa Cowley—donated in honor of

     Liz Cohen and Linda Kirkpatrick

Brenda Cumming

Greg Dobbs 

Peter and Peggy Eggers

Shelleen Ellington

Reg Fleming

Rob and Donna Frantz

Anna Murray Garner and Kevin Garner

Penn and Marilyn Gildersleeve

Eric Gill

Gayle Gordon

Ele Hart

Betsy and John Hays

Mary Houlihan

Judith Hughes

Dore Huss

Karen Hutcherson

Peter Jacobson

Luann and Hank Kaanta —donated in                     honor of Linda Kirkpatrick

Linda Kirkpatrick

Janice and Stephen Kaup

Jim and Anita Kreider

Todd Landrum


Carla Larson

Meg and Mike Leonard

Cindy Lempke

Peter and Pam Lindquist

Dr. Martha Lynch-Biasi

Trish Maggio

Jani and Bryan McCarty

Joan Mickelson

Jean and Mike Moravek

Mueller Family Charitable Trust

Dave and Carolyn Nelson

Dan Pike

Martha Pofit

Cherie Pope-Eagan

Charles Rhodes

Gail Riley and Tom Statzell

Brian Roberts

Jay Roberts

Tara Ryan

Christine Schment

Mark and Julie Schnoll

Jim and Aleta Smith

Gary Studwell

Denise Stoner

Judy Tersteeg

Marty and Don Unger

Michele Vanags

Laura Veckerelli—donated in

     honor of Cindy Lempke

Anne and Mark Vickstrom

Nancy Williams and Jim Casebolt

John Wilson

Sharon Wood


Currnt Members
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